Essential Oils: Elevate Your Workout with Nature's Secret Boost


So, fellow resolution adventurer! Tell me, did those grand health plans of yours take a nosedive come January's end? No judgment here, it's practically a universal phenomenon, right? But fear not, because here's the scoop, and it's no big secret: happiness isn't just waiting for you at the finish line; it's frolicking along with you in every step of the journey. Yup, you heard it! It's all about finding joy in those tiny victories each day, rather than moping over what didn't go according to plan.

Now, onto the fun stuff! Let's talk about jazzing up your workouts with some essential oil magic. Essential oils can be your trusty sidekick in achieving those fitness goals – boosting your mood, easing those post-workout sore muscles, you name it!

So, don't you dare throw in the towel just yet! Today's your chance to hit that cosmic reset button and prioritize your well-being. Your health journey is calling, and it's time to answer with a resounding "heck yeah!" 🌟

Natural solutions to Maximize Workout Results

Grapefruit, Lemon, Tangerine, or Wild Orange:

Get ready to zest up your workout routine with the power of citrus oils! These little drops of sunshine can truly work wonders, leaving you feeling revitalized, recharged, and ready to conquer those fitness goals. Here's the scoop: simply add 1-2 drops of your favorite citrus oil to a glass of water or your trusty stainless steel water bottle for an instant burst of freshness. And if you're getting your sweat on at home, why not toss 3 drops of any citrus oil into your diffuser? Let that invigorating aroma fill the air as you crush your workout session. It's like bringing a slice of paradise right into your exercise space! 🍊💪


Discover the wonders of this vibrant and aromatic essential oil! Lemongrass not only adds a zesty kick to your senses but also boasts muscle-relieving properties. According to Dr. Josh Axe, massaging it directly onto your muscles can work wonders. However, here's the catch: Lemongrass is what is termed a "hot" oil, which means it should be diluted before applying to the skin. You'll want to mix it with a carrier oil. My top pick for Lemongrass? The Deep Blue Stick (check it out below)! It's the perfect combo to soothe those tired muscles and leave you feeling refreshed. 🌿


Get ready to power up your workout with this amazing essential oil trick! Here's the scoop: swallow a drop with a glass of water before you hit the gym. Trust me, it's backed by science! This magical oil helps your red blood cells carry more oxygen to your muscles, giving you that extra energy boost and keeping those pesky sore muscles at bay – woohoo!

And that's not all – this fresh-scented oil is like a little bottle of sunshine for your body. Add a drop to your water for some instant calm vibes, or give your muscles some love by rubbing it on after a tough gym sesh. It's the perfect way to show your body some post-workout TLC! 🌟


Time to banish stress and embrace relaxation! Picture this: adding a sprinkle of lavender goodness to your post-workout cooldown routine. Whether you're stretching it out or winding down from yoga, this calming oil is your ticket to tranquility. Just a drop on your yoga mat or a gentle rub on your chest, and voila! Instant chill vibes coming your way. And here's the bonus: by cooling down with lavender, you're not just relaxing, but you're also giving your body a hand in keeping cortisol levels in check, which means less chance of holding onto unwanted fat. How's that for a friendly fitness hack? 🌸


Feeling a bit stuffed up? Eucalyptus to the rescue! This little wonder isn't just great for clearing the air – it's also a pro at easing those muscle twinges after a workout. And here's a fun tip: after your session, treat yourself to a mini spa moment by dabbing a bit of eucalyptus oil on a cool, damp washcloth. Gently press it against your face for a refreshing pick-me-up that also helps calm any redness. It's like giving yourself a hug from the inside out! 🌿✨

Deep Blue Stick:

Prepare to be wowed by the wonders of this essential oil blend. It contains not just the Deep Blue Blend, but has the added addition of Copaiba (think of Copaiba doing the same thing for your muscles as CBD…but safer). It's practically like having a magic potion for your muscles! Scientifically proven to zap away pain and tension, it's a total game-changer. Just wait about five minutes and you'll feel the enchantment take hold! In our home, it's a superstar, always hanging out on our kitchen counter for easy access. My husband and kids are obsessed – it's their go-to whenever they need a little TLC. And let me spill a secret: we're also head over heels for the Deep Blue Rub... although if it ever goes missing, you can bet it's been swiped by my hubby! 😉

helpful video:

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For those in the continental USA, I'll also send you the Advanced Oil Magic reference book as a free gift!

This book is over 300 pages with full color illustrations, recipes, DIY & more. Inside you'll find:

  • 600 quick reference Ailments & Conditions

  • Uses & oil hacks for Single Oils & Oil Blends

  • Hundreds of recipes, diffuser blends, & DIY’s

  • Lifestyle Protocols

  • 105 serious Ailment Protocols

  • Incredible Emotions & Energy usage

  • Gorgeous Essential Oil Science made useful & practical

  • QR Sharable Videos on your favorite essential oils

BEGIN by looking up your ailments and conditions. Try one or a few of the oils suggested. THEN get serious by following protocols, which give you the exact recipes you need to get big results with your oils.


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