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 Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a learner + researcher at heart. I must have passed at least some of those genes on to my kids, because their favorite Christmas gifts have always been books.

When it comes to life, parenting, relationships, learning about essential oils, doTERRA as a business … you name it … there’s usually a book or a podcast you can use to learn more about the subject.

I’ve become a master at finding the niches of time in my day that can do double-duty. Times where I’m doing mindless tasks that allow me to learn at the same time.

Holding a book takes your hands, but you can also use audiobooks & podcasts when you need to be hands free. Just to give you ideas of when you can sneak in some learning, here are some of the times of day that have worked for me:

while prepping breakfast/lunch/dinner
while driving
while doing laundry
while cleaning
while exercising
in the shower (using a suction cup bluetooth speaker)
while doing my hair + makeup
in bed before going to sleep
on a walk

I easily average 2 hours a day listening to a podcast or reading a book. Find those niches of time & they will really add up.

I enjoy reading for entertainment, but I love evolving my mindset through podcasts + books that help me to gain perspective around things I struggle with. I have found - & so will you - that you look at things differently as you gain insight from those whose strengths are your weaknesses.

Feeling stuck? Listen to a podcast.
Feeling depressed? Listen to a podcast.
Need a different approach to something? Try a book around that subject.

I love taking notes & marking up + highlighting my self development books. Many times I transfer my notes into Google Docs for easy access by subject so I can find them later. If I’m driving & listening to a podcast & hear something golden, I’ll quickly note the time within the podcast that I heard it. When I get home I can jot my notes down so I can use that nugget later.


“But I don’t have the time … “

If you aren’t sure you have time for self development in the form of podcasts, books or audiobooks - here are some ways you might be able to free up some time.

What if you cut back on:
Social Media browsing
reading/watching the news

To put this in perspective, did you know the average American spends at least 11 hours per day watching TV and/or interacting with Social Media?

Another interesting tidbit: the average home that earns less than $25,000 a year, watches 7 hours of TV per day.

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What if you were to trade in just 1 hour per day of watching TV, & did some personal development instead? Those accumulated hours would change your life.


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A really great & inexpensive tool for getting more books into the crevices of your day is an Audible membership. Almost every book you might want to listen to has an audio version.

You get your first audiobook free, and then going forward you pay $14.95/month & that gives you a credit every month to cash in on any audiobook you want!! Most audiobooks are around $20 so this is a great way to save money & listen on the go. This will become your fave way to develop!

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Click on each book below to take you to the paperback version on Amazon…





Taking Ownership:


Focus + Productivity






Network Marketing + Biz Skills


Being Customer-Focused:


Coaching + Relationships:


Essential Oils:


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Fun fact:
I actually love listening to podcasts far more than I love listening to music.

Don’t get me wrong - I LOVE music. But years ago I fell in love with being able to actually learn something in spare moments. I also stay awake on long drives much better when I’m intently listening & thinking through what I’m hearing.

Podcasts are free.
You can learn about almost any subject under the sun.
They’re available anytime.
You can listen while multitasking.
They help you cut down on screen time.
They stimulate the brain.
They make you a better listener.

There’s a multitude of platforms allowing you to listen to podcasts: iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, Soundcloud, + Spotify (to name a few).

To stay up on your favorites, just hit the Subscribe button. When a new episode is available, it will automatically download to your device/phone.

Podcasts allow you to learn from the experts … for free!



Click on an image to bring up that podcast in iTunes …

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