Further on down this page you’ll see some of my favorite effective natural beauty products. But I think it’s also vital to have a short discussion on WHY this is a big deal.

Being as natural as we can with our skin care is important for a multitude of reasons. But for me, my health is at the top of that list.

About 10 years ago I all of a sudden started getting really irritated eyes. I thought I had pink eye. After a few days of dealing with it I went to an optometrist. He said it wasn’t pink eye but presented very similarly. It was actually a reaction to the eyeliner & mascara I was using.

He recommended moving to products that were more natural & shying away from the heavy chemicals found in most drugstore & department store makeup.

As soon as I did that, all problems with my eyes stopped.

That led me into looking more into the types of chemicals found in skin care products. The following is taken directly from the FDA website concerning their involvement in the cosmetics industry:

“The law does not require cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, to have FDA approval before they go on the market.”

“Companies and individuals who manufacture or market cosmetics have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of their products. Neither the law nor FDA regulations require specific tests to demonstrate the safety of individual products or ingredients. The law also does not require cosmetic companies to share their safety information with FDA.”

“Under the law, manufacturers are not required to register their cosmetic establishments or file their product formulations with FDA, and no registration number is required to import cosmetics into the United States.”

There are about 75,000 chemicals regularly manufactured & imported by U.S. industries, & about half have no basic toxicity information available.

Babies are actually born at considerable risk nowadays due to the toxic load of their mothers. One study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides, & Teflon chemicals.

Experts believe rising rates of birth defects, asthma, neurodevelopmental disorders & other serious diseases in U.S children are a result of these early chemical exposures.

Of the 287 chemicals EWG detected in umbilical cord blood, it's known that:

  • 180 cause cancer in humans or animals

  • 217 are toxic to your brain and nervous system

  • 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests

Chronic childhood diseases linked to toxic chemical exposure is surging upward, costing the US $55 billion a year.

How are Children Being Exposed to Chemicals?

Like adults, children are exposed to chemicals every day. During pregnancy, many chemicals are passed on to newborns either in utero or through breast milk, & contaminants are literally everywhere ... in your home, food, water and air. In an average day, children are exposed to 61 chemicals in personal care products alone, 27 of which have not been found safe for kids, according to a national survey by EWG.

This means that the simple acts of shampooing your baby's hair, giving him a bath & putting on some lotion, several times a week or more, exposes him to chemicals that could very well harm his health. Even though they’re likely small exposures at each bath time, over time these exposures add up & may contribute to disease ... & the same scenario goes for chemicals that exist all around you.

This does not mean that the only safe option is to live in a bubble. Awareness is the first step, & then having the right safe + natural tools is the next step.


Clean Natural Skin Care & Oral Care


Hair Care


Fave Beauty Tools


Fave Natural Makeup


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